LDN – Spring Newsletter 2023

In Pursuit

By Jim Hukill

I love a good mystery story. Don’t you? One with lots of twist and turns as the plot reveals the ultimate answer of “who done it!”

The thing that intrigues me the most is the step by step, methodical process of pursuing the truth. I see a little detective in a trench coat with a little notepad. Scribbling his way through the story, until suddenly, seemingly from nowhere, he reveals the answer to the mystery.

The apostle Paul was much like that. He refers to the gospel as a mystery that he is tenaciously pursuing.The story of Grace given to man with no explanation other than Love. He refers to it as a pursuit and it became a life-long quest for Paul.

In just a few weeks we will gather again for our annual Breakaway Family Retreat. This year we have established the theme The Great Detective. During our time we will allow ourselves to be open and searched by the Holy Spirit. Equally, we will ourselves become pursuers of the great depths of His grace.

If you have not signed up for Breakaway 2023, I encourage you to be a part of this incredible week. If you can’t attend, would you consider being a part of our supportive team. This is the biggest event of our year, and we have opportunities for everyone to play a part.

Over the past few months our team has not only pursued excellence in our services, but we have pursued new opportunities to impact families. We love families! We pursue them through every chance we can.This is the importance of my article today. Will you join us in this pursuit to connect with families, top our into them, and to experience the mystery of God’s power in their lives.

Our team has recently established several goals for us to obtain and pursue this year. First, we want to see Club Elevate grow into a successful, strong program. It looks like this, by fall this year we want to have 15 families engaged in the program every day, five days a week. For this to happen, we need space.Will you pray for us that God will provide the right location.

Secondly, we need good leaders to help Lift have a future. So, we are pursuing seven new board members to add to our existing board. We are looking for good leaders that will help us reach into the future.

Our third pursuit is to engage with you more. Our donors and volunteers are vital to the success of our ministry. We cannot do what God has called us to do, we cannot reach the goals that are before us without people like you. As you read this newsletter, please consider how we can serve you and how you might engage with us in discovering all God has for Lift.

In Philippians 3 Paul writes that he has not yet obtained everything God has for him, but he says, “I press on to take hold of that for which Christ Jesus took hold of me.” Together, let’s pursue all God has for us.

Club Elevate is Here!

By Stacie Rouse

We can’t believe our first semester of Club Elevate is almost over! April just flew by because we were having so much fun together. The club members enjoyed time to socialize each morning, as well as learning more home cleaning skills, recreation fun with Florida Adaptive Sports, and everyone’s favorite time… acting out the Bible lessons!

The group had an amazing visit to the Central Florida Zoo and Botanical Gardens onApril 17th. It started rainy but turned into a beautiful day full of animal encounters and just a good time outdoors. The zoo staff was fantastic, providing us with up-close animal encounters in the classroom and answering our millions of questions.We also enjoyed having some special parent chaperones on this trip.

You all are so nice, thoughtful, and cool! i love what you do for those of us with disabilities. Your love really shines through. Thank you, thank you, thank you!

Seth HeatheringtonBreakaway Camper

You have made my life better by acting as a much needed pressure valve. I'm spiritually and mentally refreshed!

Sheryl KingBreakaway participant

Elevate is such a great program. My brother loves the routine of the day - social hour, bible stories, exercise, crafting and the list goes on. It allows him the social setting to build friendships in a safe and non-judgemental atmosphere. He is looking forward to the start of fall term. Thank you for the tremendous effort spent to provide such a 'space' for individuals with life challenges

CarolSister of Participant


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