Empowering the Disability
Family to Contribute
GiveBack is an event designed to help individuals and families impacted by disability serve children in Third World countries by packing Christmas gift boxes for Operation Christmas Child. For the disability family, this is a way to move from being a recipient in the community to being a contributor! Come fill a shoe box (or several), create a note for the child receiving the gift and kick off the Christmas season. You might even find face painting, cookies and all sorts of Christmas fun!
Volunteers who want come alongside individuals and families impacted by disability can sign up to help. Many volunteers are needed to help lead activities, facilitate the shoebox packing and be a buddy to special needs participants. Items to be used to fill the shoeboxes are also needed. For more information on donations, volunteering or participating please contact giveback@liftdisability.net or phone (407) 228-8343.