At the age of twenty months, the family of Jim Hukill was informed he had a rare form of Muscular Dystrophy and that they should expect a life of limitations.  However, today many of those restrictions are now far behind him.  Jim has rolled his wheelchair past one barrier after another and the result is a schooled life in overcoming limits.  Likewise, through their years of marriage, Rhonette Hukill has become equally skilled in juggling the affairs of maintaining a home while overseeing the care of her husband.  Together, this remarkable couple has found themselves at the cutting edge of the disability community.

Before their marriage in May 1994, Jim and Rhonette began to explore available services that would assist them in developing a strong foundation for their marital future.  After much research, the Hukill’s were deeply disappointed in the resources available. Equally alarming was the escalating number of broken homes within the disability community; 80% of families that encounter disability issues break up, and disability impacts 20% of the American population.  This shocking discovery led them to launch Eleos – The Care Network, Inc., a ministry of hope, in November 1998.

In November 2006, Eleos launched Lift Disability Network. This program expansion and organizational restructure was designed by Eleos to Elevate Life in the Disability Family. Lift Disability Network aids the disability family with a suite of programs that include camping, monthly events and family services. Services are available to families in need without regard to creed/beliefs. Lift Disability Network is a community where the disability family is embraced, encouraged, and empowered. An intersection where helplessness meets hopefulness…a place of healing for wounded souls…and a connection to faith for a better life.

Within minutes of getting out of the car a feeling of normalcy came over our family. As though we had been there for years.

Sarah Banks- Breakaway Family

Like a stone thrown into a pond, sometimes it seems God sends a ripple of blessings which begins with our saying “Yes.”  That happened to my husband and me when were asked if we would like to volunteer at Breakaway Camp. It was such a rewarding and joyful week!

Gayle DeMers- Breakaway Crew Member

There's a community created at Lift where you can enter at any level you want. All are accepted and welcomed. It's rewarding to be part of a ministry where everyone has something to offer.

Marty Tracey- Lift Volunteer