Serving disability families and individuals takes a community! 

We want to continue to become leaders in faith-based disability ministry! And could use your help. Opportunities are available to volunteer, give or offer your support in other way. Read through the options below…and if you can help in a way we haven’t listed, reach out!

Share the vision and get involved:

Just one person can help change the life of a family living with disability. Your gifts of money, time, and talent come together with those of our partners, providing families with a community where they can explore faith, fun and opportunity.

  1. Volunteer! Serve at camp, monthly events or throughout the year.
  2. Donate! Any size gift at any time supports the work of Lift.
  3. Sponsor! Scholarship a family or sponsor an event with your time, talent or funds.
  4. Connect! Connect Lift with product donations, in-kind services, financial support or matching donations from your organization.

Jesus calls His followers to serve the hungry, the thirsty, and the stranger. Together, let’s discover how your church can leave a legacy in the disability community.

  1. Engage your congregation as volunteers! Send volunteers passionate about serving those with disability to Lift Disability camps and monthly events. Or as a church community or small group, sponsor a special event with volunteers and supplies.
  2. Donate! Become a monthly supporter of Lift. Or become a Lift Partner: Donate $1,000 this year to serve the needs of families living with Disabilities in your community.

Lift Disability Network brings together corporations and other groups who are passionate about serving the needs of families and individuals living with disability. Through Lift Disability Network’s experience and expertise, you can help transform the lives of those impacted by disability.

  1. Volunteer as a group! Sponsor a special event with volunteers and supplies.
  2. Donate! Strengthen your business and change lives through product donations, in-kind services, financial support, and opportunities that engage your employees with Lift Disability Network.

Within minutes of getting out of the car a feeling of normalcy came over our family. As though we had been there for years.

Sarah Banks- Breakaway Family

Like a stone thrown into a pond, sometimes it seems God sends a ripple of blessings which begins with our saying “Yes.”  That happened to my husband and me when were asked if we would like to volunteer at Breakaway Camp. It was such a rewarding and joyful week!

Gayle DeMers- Breakaway Crew Member

There's a community created at Lift where you can enter at any level you want. All are accepted and welcomed. It's rewarding to be part of a ministry where everyone has something to offer.

Marty Tracey- Lift Volunteer