<![CDATA[There is within every heart a desire to be more, accomplish more, and live more. The team of Lift Disability Network has established the theme for our 2018 year-end campaign and our 2019 calendar season; Experience More. The 2018 year has been a milestone year for our organization, as we have experienced an emergence of our organization and mission. The next step in our development is to grow what has emerged. Therefore, the focus of our year-end efforts will be to nurture the growth that has begun and watch it bloom in 2019.
In 2018 Lift enlarged its staff to a reasonable level, expanded new programming through our monthly events, serve more families through our Breakaway retreats, and began establishing a new central office for the organization. With these accomplishments in mind, the ministry team of Lift felt it was important to make an expression to our families, to our community, and donors that we believe this is a time for us to grow the 2018 momentum. That is the reason why we want to speak loudly and boldly to our constituents that we are just getting started. This is the season for us to Experience More.

We invite you to EXPERIENCE MORE with us and pray for these areas of development:
  1. New Central Office and Family Center – this is the first step in establishing a central hub of outreach and service to our community. We have acquired a 1400 square-foot space and are currently building that space out to accommodate offices for the organization, collaborative space for small groups and storage facilities to house program equipment. Additionally, we will serve our local community through this facility by managing and housing the Winter Garden Rotary Medical Equipment Bank. This is a program to provide easy access to medical equipment needed for short-term and long-term care.
  2. Enhance Programming in Florida and Missouri – the need is great. We want to reach more families and influence more individuals toward living a fulfilled and satisfied life. Our programming to increase our touching the communities is vital to accomplishing this objective. In 2018, we open too new locations for our monthly events, we call, Boost. It is increasingly incumbent upon us to underwrite these activities to meet our disability family, build relationships and see lives expand.
  3. Family Wholeness Pilot – The creation of the Family Wholeness Center will help families and individuals living with disability create and maintain stability in five key areas of life: physical, emotional, social, economic and spiritual. To accomplish the goals of our pilot, Lift will offer;
    • Individual case management services, including an assessment tools and referrals for services.
    • Direct services, including education, but not limited to, mentorship & coaching. The desired outcome would be individuals and families would have the necessary tools needed to Experience More together.
  4. To Meet 2018 Budget – Finish 2018 well. Going into our final campaign of the year, Lift is looking at a significant budget shortfall. The Board of Directors and our staff are committed to ending each year on a positive note. We are confident that from a program make perspective, we will achieve this goal. However, from a financial position we have some ground to make up with approximately $50,000 needed to achieve our goals. This campaign will be a part of securing a strong finish to 2018 and an even bigger start to 2019.

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Do More!

We have sent the word out about our financial goals and needs, but we want to take it one step further. We want to develop a team of people who are actively raising funds for our work and who are actively introducing people to Lift.

How can you get involved?

  • Volunteer as a fundraiser or Lift advocate.
  • Share Lift with your friends and family regularly.
  • Become a monthly donor to Lift or give a one-time gift to fund our work.


Within minutes of getting out of the car a feeling of normalcy came over our family. As though we had been there for years.

Sarah Banks- Breakaway Family

Like a stone thrown into a pond, sometimes it seems God sends a ripple of blessings which begins with our saying “Yes.”  That happened to my husband and me when were asked if we would like to volunteer at Breakaway Camp. It was such a rewarding and joyful week!

Gayle DeMers- Breakaway Crew Member

There's a community created at Lift where you can enter at any level you want. All are accepted and welcomed. It's rewarding to be part of a ministry where everyone has something to offer.

Marty Tracey- Lift Volunteer