A Lift Family Experience

July 8-12, 2014
Lake Yale Conference Center
Leesburg, FL

Registration Now Open!


GO 2013-webBreakaway from the busyness of life and enjoy a week of fun, relaxation and spiritual renewal. Are you a family that faces disability everyday? Then come BREAKAWAY for an unforgettable week!
During your stay one of our compassionate Crew Members will assist your family to guarantee the best family experience possible.
For Family Application Packet Click Here!


Our Crew is the game changer for families facing disability during the five day retreat. Members of this great team arrive a day early for training to prepare them for the many jobs, fun activities and the companionship they will give. During the time they spend with families.
There is nothing like living recklessly for God and serving to lift His Kingdom. Breakaway is a unique way to see God reach through one’s hands and elevate someone else.
For Crew Member Application Click Here!
[su_box title=”A Typical Day” style=”soft”]
7:30am Breakfast 9:00am Organized Recreation
10:30am Morning Chapel (separate kids program available)
12:00pm Lunch
1:30pm – 5:30pm Family Free Time (pool open, crafts, spa, fishing, etc.)
5:30pm Dinner
7:00pm Family Evening Chapel (Luau, Dance, Games, Movie Night, etc.)

Breakaway is Grateful for Funding From…


Within minutes of getting out of the car a feeling of normalcy came over our family. As though we had been there for years.

Sarah Banks- Breakaway Family

Like a stone thrown into a pond, sometimes it seems God sends a ripple of blessings which begins with our saying “Yes.”  That happened to my husband and me when were asked if we would like to volunteer at Breakaway Camp. It was such a rewarding and joyful week!

Gayle DeMers- Breakaway Crew Member

There's a community created at Lift where you can enter at any level you want. All are accepted and welcomed. It's rewarding to be part of a ministry where everyone has something to offer.

Marty Tracey- Lift Volunteer